Oh my god I had a great adventure today!!
Mema and I were leaving the mall (I got the Helm’s Deep action figure set btw – Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Theoden and Haldir, and also another LOTR lunchbox! whee!) and when we got to our car I glanced in the back of the truck parked next to us – and it was on fire! It was actually flaming. I was like, “mema that truck is on fire!” And she said “Oh my god!” and turned around and caught a woman walking out of the door and had her go back in and tell an employee. Mema made me move the car away from it and when I came back a little group of people were gathered around watching it… it was really starting to flame at that point. An employee was out there with us, and he said he’d called mall security but didn’t know why they hadn’t shown up yet. Finally this man came out of the store and of course was curious, turns out he was a firefighter and ran over to his truck and got a fire extinguisher out and went over and sprayed it out. Just as he did that the fire truck came roaring into the parking lot and pulled up and some firefighters got out and were looking at it.
It was crazy. We left then. I mean, sucks for the guy’s truck but that truck would have kept flaming if I hadn’t seen it and it was right over the gas tank. Might’ve exploded!